Singapore's Leading Provider of Business Software

4大特點: 1) 無須實質打卡機: 節省公司空間及成本 2) 手機取替: 無需額外成本,只需用員工手機打卡 3) GPS打卡: 不受時間、地點限制,方便外勤工作 4) 公司和員工: 即時查看當天出席記錄,申請假期

Kango Forklift Sales & Service Ltd 成立於1982年, 是日本TOYOTA, 瑞典BT, 美國RAYMOND 鏟車. 在廣東省, 福建省, 香港及澳門獨家總代理. 全面提供銷售, 租賃及售後服務.
K商業 / 重型運輸Kango Forklift

客戶關係管理解決方案、 內容管理解決方案、 網站設計、 雲端運算 、應用軟件開發。 CRM & CMS solutions, Website Design, Custom Software Development.

Singapore's Leading Provider of Business Software
D商業 / 顧問Denial Lois

全新Online Sales Department 提供網上專享獨家優惠 過程快捷方便,無需現身,最快三日安裝
N著數優惠 / 寬頻、電視、電話 PlansNowTv OnlineSales Department

SBS School Management Software is an advanced solution offering high scalability abundance of features to streamline the daily activities of the educational institutes. It is a Simple, Easy-to-use

Gold sales uganda offers gold bars and nuggets at 95% purity assayed for a very good price

SEI provides IT solutions like CloudSoft CRM, VoIP, IVR system, these kinds of projects will be funded by Technology Voucher Programme (科技券), for more details, please visit

This report studies sales (consumption) of Patient Warming Devices in Global market, especially in North America, Europe, China, Japan, Southeast Asia and India, focuses on top players in these region
Q商業 / 商業優惠QYResearch

MYOB是知名國際會計零售軟件之一, 是香港中小企業務最佳拍檔。主要原因是MYOB在價錢上處於經濟位置, 而且主張容易學習, 容易使用, 容易熟習。坊間也有一定程度的教育課程和大專院校教授MYOB, 可供在學學生學習,間接方便中小企商戶招聘會計人才。 當中最受歡迎的會計功能包括帳戶管理、銀行交易、採購銷售、倉存管理、通訊錄管理、報告、多幣別管理、薪酬管理等。

Mobile developement,Web developement,Web services,Software services

This report studies Asynchronous Motor in Global and China market, focuses on price, sales, revenue of each type in global China. This report also focuses on the sales (consumption), production.
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